Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Advantages of Safe Sunless Tanning Technology

There are many advantages when it comes to safe sunless tanning technology. These days, individuals are more health conscious than ever. What was once considered to be a trend is now viewed as a potential health hazard. This trend that I am referring to is that of the standard tanning beds that we see in tanning salons, homes, and gyms all around the world. More and more individuals have come forth over the years stating the complications that they experienced as a result of using these tanning beds.

This is why a group of individuals consisting of doctors, scientists, and more joined forces to create a safe system that can be used to achieve a gorgeous tan, without all the health issues coming up. Here, you will be introduced to the concept of safe sunless technology, and the advantages of putting it to work for you!

Recent studies have indicated two major problems with the standard tanning systems: the “microwave” technology and the type of lighting used to turn the skin different shades of color. In order to create a system that was safe, and effective, the technology would have to totally change from the basic “tan from the inside out technology”, and the lighting would have to have benefits to the health, not pose dangers. This is how safe sunless technology was created.

Today’s sunless technology implements the use of lighting that is actually considered to be healthy for the individual that is exposed to it! That is quite a change from the traditional, intrusive lighting that has been used in the past!

When using the sunless tanning technology that is considered to be safe, you will benefit from receiving the right amount of vitamin D, as well as UVB rays and UVA rays that are actually considered to be the healthy aspects of the sun, without the other dangers of the sun – like overexposure.

Most of the lamps that you will find in these systems are those that are known to use what is called “ESB Energy”. These types of lights provide a standard coating of protection that delivers just the right amount of light for a safe and effective tan, without causing health problems. In addition to this, the vitamin D that is provided enhances the health overall.

Now, you can get the deep, golden tan that you always desired without having to worry about the dangers that were once associated with artificial tanning. Safe sunless tanning technology allows individuals many options when it comes to the materials needed to acquire the tan. There are special tanning salons that carry safe systems, and home systems can also be purchased that can provide an individual with the privacy, comfort, and safety that they require in tanning.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Review of SunSplash Tanning and D Lite (No Tan) Systems

If you are like me, a deep tan is quite appealing. However, the sun exposure that is required to achieve that beautiful tan is far from appealing. I will add to that by saying that some exposure to the sun is important to ensure that your body receives the right amount of Vitamin D, and that your Melatonin levels fluctuate appropriately. Apart from spurts of sun exposure, it is not safe for your skin to receive much more than this. If it does, you will face the complication of burning, and even serious problems like skin cancer. Here, I will review a product that I used to achieve a natural looking tan by not having to expose myself to dangerous levels of sun exposure – SunSplash Tanning and D Lite (No Tan) Systems.

It all started when a friend of mine visited a local tanning salon. The results that she achieved were remarkable. Her reasoning for pursuing this method of tanning was that she was too busy to spend hours in the sun in order to get the tan that she had wanted for so many years. She then suggested to me that I participate in tanning bed exposure to achieve the tan I had always dreamed of. You see, I work from home and I educate both of my active boys from home. My husband also worked from home, but we would often find ourselves scraping the barrel for enough time to do all of the things that we had to do on a day to day basis – much less time to visit a tanning salon.

My husband and I worked it out and he stated that he would take care of things if this is what I wanted to do, but to be careful. I was so excited! That is until I took the time to research tanning beds. I quickly learned that this form of tanning provides no health benefits, and over time, it can actually damage your organs and other internal components of the body! Needless to say, I quickly changed my mind on this little experiment and never made it to the tanning salon. My interest was peaked, however, and I decided that I should take the time to determine if there were any other types of safe alternatives to tanning beds. This is when I ran across a website that sold the SunSplash Tanning and D Lite (No Tan) Systems.

Now, with this tanning method, I discovered that it produces nearly the same amount of sunlight that the actual sun produces, which meant that it also helped the body receive a sufficient amount of Vitamin D. Melatonin levels could also be regulated by using this tanning system which includes approximately eight different lights. So, basically, this was much safer than standard tanning beds in that it uses reflective lighting technology to deliver the rays that help tan the skin and provide nutrients to the body! I could not believe it.

Now, after just a couple of months of using the SunSplash Tanning and D Lite (No Tan) Systems, I sport a luxurious tan. In addition to this, I look and feel better all the way around. I highly recommend this system to anyone who desires the same!